Monday, January 17, 2011

My First Braid Out!!

I was going out with my hubby and sisters to my cousin's suprise birthday celebration and I decided to do a braid out. I hadn't done one since I went natural. I loved how it came out. What do you think?? I'll definitely revisit this style again soon ;-)  Paix' and <3

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Possible DMV/7 Cities area Natural Hair Meet Up?

Hey everyone, if you live in the DMV (D.C, Maryland, Virginia) area and would be interested in attending a natural hair/transitioner meetup, leave a comment below and let me know. Myself and another Youtuber is trying to get an idea of how many women would like to attend to see if we should host a meetup.  I would like to meet all of you if possible!! Deanna